
Physical, mental, social and spiritual well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.
Health status is result of dynamic interaction between humans and their external environments.
Affected by individuals genetic makeup, personal behaviors, internal and external environments
A person's health is influenced by interactions with the health 2care system and exercise of the right to self determinations.


Professional discipline that a addresses the health needs of diverse and changing society.
Nurses assess potential and actual healthneeds of individual, family, aggregate or community clients.
Nurses plan and deliver indicated interventions through co-operation, collaboration and consultation.
Evaluate the outcomes of health interventions.
Assist individuals and families to a achive optimal weel-being by promoting or restoring health supporting death with peace and dignity and facilitating care accross the life-span.


The philosophy of the Universal College of Nursing is congruent with the nobel teachings of Blessed Luigi Maria Monti dedicated to the enhancement of human well-being through education, creative innovation within practice, and developments an dissemination of research.
We believe that enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of health is a right of all people
Nursing is an art and science whose goal is to support optimal health of all through partnership with individuals, families and communities, and enviroments can be enhanced to promote health and well-being.

Nursing Education

Provides students with knowledge skils and other resources that foster excellence in practice, research, community engagement and a commitment to life-long learning is an ongoing process

Faculty provide learning opportunities guidance and support environment that promotes self-growth and career satisfaction

Students are viewed as adult learners. Faculty and student participate in educational partnership that support achievement of professional and program goals.

Faculty practice, research, instruction and community engagement provide role-modeling and mentorship for students and contribute to nursing's knowledge base.

Health & Nursing

  • Physical, mental, social and spintual well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infimity.
  • Professional discipline that addresses the health needs of diverse and changing society.
  • Affected by individual’s genetic makeup personal behaviors, internal and external environments.
  • Nurses assess potential and actual health needs of individual, family, aggregate or community clients.
  • Health status is result of dynamic interaction between humans and their external environments.
  • Nurses plan and deliver indicated interventions through cooperation, collaboration and consultation
  • A person’s health is influenced by interactions with the health acare system and exercise of the right to self determination.
  • Evaluate the outcomes of health interventions.
  • Assist individuals and families to achieve optimal.
  • well-being by promoting or restoring health, supporting death with peace and dignity and facilitating care across the life-span.


  • The philosophy of the Universal College of Nursing is congruent
  • Nursing is an art and science with the noble teachings of Blessed
  • whose goal is to support optimal Luigi Maria Monti dedicated to the We believe that enjoyment of the health of all through partnership enhancement of human well-being highest attainable standard of with individuals, families and through education, creative health is a right of all people communities, and environments innovation within practice, and can be enhanced to promote developments an dissemination of health and well-being.
  • Research provides students with knowledge, skills and other resources that foster excellence in practice, research, community engagement and a commitment to life-long learning.
  • Faculty provide learning opportunities guidance and support environment that promotes cell growth and career satisfaction

Nursing Education

  • Students are viewed as adult learners. Faculty and students participate in educational partnerships that support achievement of professional and program goals.
  • Faculty practice, research, instruction and community engagement provide role-modeling and mentorship for students and contribute to nursing’s knowledge base.